Based on the Danish series, “Feed the Beast” is a drama about two best friends, Tommy Moran (Schwimmer) and Dion Patras (Sturgess) who take one last shot at their dream of opening a restaurant together. One is a brilliant chef in trouble with the Mob and the law, and the other is the best sommelier in the city who is the widowed father of a teenage son. “Feed the Beast” is the story of friendship, fatherhood, grief, larceny, arson, drugs, adultery, murder, love – and blazingly original cooking.
“Feed the Beast” tells the story of Tommy (Schwimmer) and Dion (Sturgess) who are like brothers. With all the love – and all the complications – that comes with it. Dion can’t stay out of trouble. Tommy can’t move past it. For two friends on the brink of losing everything, a dusty pipe dream of opening up an upscale restaurant in their hometown of the Bronx is all they have left to turn their lives around. They push each other to follow through on their dreams, welcome love into their lives, and overcome their demons. They also betray, backstab, manipulate and coerce each other into the most dangerous situations imaginable. For Tommy, a successful haute Hellenic restaurant is his means to give his son a life he never had. For Dion, this venture is a perfect opportunity to secretly repay his debt to the Mob. Together, they take on the insanity of the New York restaurant world, and navigate its underbelly of petty criminals, corrupt officials and violent mobsters. With the vig running, there’s more than food, wine and fresh starts on the line. One wrong move and people get chopped.
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