In 2001, DreamWorks Animation produced an American animated comedy film “Shrek” that made history in the whole world for being the first winner of the prestigious Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. In June 2008, American Film Institute also listed “Shrek” as one of the best ten films in classic American film genres. It also ranked third among Bravo’s 100 funniest movies. It also landed second place for Channel 4 poll of “100 Greatest Family Films.”
Directed by Vicky Jenson and Andrew Adamson and featuring the voices of Mike Myers as “Shrek,” Cameron Diaz as “Princess Fiona,” Eddie Murphy as “Donkey,” and John Lithgow as “Lord Farquaad” among others, Shrek, a film with a 60 million budget, was a huge success earning gross revenue of $484,409,218 worldwide. Its commercial success helped in establishing Dream Works as a close competitor of another animated company Pixar. With its success, Shrek was made as the official mascot of Dream Works.
The movie was critically acclaimed because it is considered as an animated films that is worthy of adult interest but with simple plot that also appeals to children. Its soundtracks are composed of popular music from Eels, The Proclaimers, The Baha Men, Jason Wade, John Cale, Smash Mouth, and Joan Jett.
The story revolved around the life of a green Ogre named Shrek who fell in love with Fiona, a princess he saved during a tournament. Fiona is a beautiful cursed princess who would turn into an ogre every night. The only thing that would release her from the spell is if she received a kiss from her true love. In the end, Shrek kissed Fiona but the she remained as an ogre. Shrek assured her that she is still beautiful and they the two got married in the swamp.