Based on the book series written by L. J. Smith and developed for television by Kevin Williamson, The Vampire Diaries is an American supernatural TV series that revolves around the lives of vampires and other supernatural characters. The series narrates the life of Elena Gilbert (played by Nina Dobrev), a regular teenage girl who fell in love with Stefan Salvatore, a vampire character portrayed by Paul Wesley, who has a vampire brother named Damon (played by Ian Somerhalder). The series is set in a mystical and fictional town called as the Mystic Falls in the state of Virginia.
The Vampire Diaries premiered on September 10, 2009 through the CW Television. It received massive commercial success during its initial airing as it attracted the most number of audiences that CW produced since 2006. At first, the series received average reviews however, as the season progresses, critics agreed the storyline has greatly improved. In fact, The Vampire Diaries won the People’s Choice Award and a total of seven Teen Choice Awards.
Although the TV series is based on the book with the same title, many characters have been changed and added, but keeping the main storyline the same. The Vampire Diaries features Steven R. McQueen, who portrayed the character of Jeremy Gilbert, the brother of Elena; Sara Canning, Elena’s aunt Jenna Sommers; Katerina Graham, who played the character of Elena’s witch best friend Bonnie Bennett, and much more. Nina Dobrev who played the character of the show’s main protagonist Elena Gilbert also portrayed the role of a vampire named Katherine Pierce, the show’s main antagonist,
At present, The Vampire Diaries is on its second season and receives an average viewer of more than three million.