Paranormal Activity – Scariest Horror Movie Ever?

Making its rounds in movie theaters now is the movie Paranormal Activity, and it has crowds leaving the theater in droves.

Not because it is a bad movie or poorly directed, but rather because the film had been so scary that even hardcore horror fans have experienced moments of pure fear, terror, nausea and a few have even passed out while watching the movie.

What makes it scary?

Maybe it has to do with the film’s genesis, which saw it being held in limbo since 2007 and only released in late September 2009. Maybe it had to do with the fact that superstar director Steven Spielberg was so freaked out after watching a DVD copy of Paranormal Activity, that he promptly returned the DVD wrapped in a garbage bag the next morning to the DreamWorks studio.

Is it really scary?

During test screenings of the movie, audience members were seen leaving the movie, leaving movie studio executives fearing for the worst, because they had planned a big Hollywood remake of the original film, made on a shoestring budget of $15,000. When the executives later discovered that the audiences were literally running out of the theater because they were running scared. Well, as they say, the rest is history.

Paranormal Activity Movie Plotline

A young couple, Katie and Micah, have recently moved into their new suburban home and have a series of peculiar encounters. Their sleep is disturbed by a supernatural presence every night, and Micah soon sets up a video camera to attempt an amateur ghost trapping operation. What he captures on the camera shocks the couple. But it is nothing compared to what happens next…