Movie Review – Day Breakers (2009)

So, I’m not a big fan of Ethan Hawke, lets get that out of the way right now. But, Day Breakers held it’s ground, even with some rocky points along the way.

First, its a pretty good story, overall. I’ve never considered a world full of vampires who might run out of people to feed on. I guess they are pretty dependent on the sheep, eh? But then throw in the cure. Maybe a little sketchy, but it works.

I would say the first half of the movie is somewhat disappointing, and drags a little through clunky acting, poorly written scripting and some hokey special effects. But as things pick up in the second half, I found myself pleasantly entertained – and isn’t that the point?

All said and done, Day Breakers is a pretty good movie. It’s better than some vampire movies I’ve had the misfortune of suffering through, and even if I think the lead could have been played by a better actor, Ethan does a fair job (better in the second half – maybe that’s because he’s human).

One element that the movie does have going for it (or might be a detractor if you don’t like this) – there are a lot of points along the way where they throw in scare factors just for the fun of it. Throughout the movie, things are jumping up at you, trying to bite you and there is blood – everywhere.

So, I would give this movie a Three Star Steve Stamp and recommend, if you haven’t seen it, you should give it the old college try.