The Town – Movie Review

The other day I watched the movie The Town. I will be honest by telling you that I wasn’t really sure if I even wanted to watch this movie because it had Ben Affleck in it. I am not a fan of his work recently. I believed that his better days were behind him. The reason why I watched it however was because the last movie I watched that he directed was Gone Baby Gone. Which I absolutely loved. I thought that movie was gripping and had a story that could match up against the best of them.

Watching this I can help but think of his performance in Good Will Hunting. I am not saying that the character is identical. I am saying that his performance came from his heart like it did with that movie. Now that I said all of that let’s get into the movie. Don’t worry I will not give away the ending. Which by the way is a good way to wrap of this movie.

The Movie is about a group of guys who rob banks and are very good at it. These men all grew up with each other and all respect each other. Each man has a unique quality about them that makes their group pretty much untouchable. The movie starts out with them robbing a bank and during the process they take a woman hostage just in case they run into the cops. They drop the girl off at a near by beach and she never see’s their face. The only thing she saw was a tattoo on the back of one of the men’s neck.

Later on in the movie Ben’s character meets this same girl in a laundry mat and although he knows who she is she does not realize who he is. At first it seems like it is nothing until they both start following for each other. She still has know idea and he has to find a way to tell her. At the same time she makes him realize that he does not want to live this life of crime. However, his friends will not let him leave easily.

I don’t want to give away anything else. All I will say that during this whole movie the FBI are on their tale and always one step behind. As we all know though, in movies the feds always find away to catch up and essentially catch the bad guy.